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Pregnancy Loss Clinic

Why are we experiencing fetal loss?

In majority of the cases, the reason for the pregnancy loss can be attributed to the chromosomes of the fetus, which cannot be repaired and these pregnancies will almost always result in a miscarriage. The nature of such loss results in many couples choosing not to seek immediate help as they are able to conceive.

However, in around 10%-15% of the couples, the reasons causing RPL are treatable with the right team of experts who know the correct investigations to be done and provide specialised medical treatment and psychological support needed during this tough period.

Moreover, it is important to meet a specialist to determine the presence of any underlying causes of the miscarriage, since infertility may be experienced as both delayed conception and recurrent loss.

Specialised Treatment Options

At Orchid Fertility, we take pride in having a team of experts who have the knowledge, experience and expertise to help couples experiencing with recurrent miscarriage. As the only clinic in GCC to offer both the medical and psychological support, our specialist team provides the following range of tests and treatment options:

  • Hysteroscopy for uterine congenital abnormalities and removal of polyps/fibroids of the endometrium
  • Laparoscopy for endometriosis
  • Immunological testing and treatment options
    • Elevated anti-thyroid antibodies, Hashimoto’s disease
    • Immunological conditions like Arthritis, Lupus, connective tissue disorders
    • Natural killer cells, cytokine ratios, LADs) and treatment (IVIG, ILP, Steroid therapy).
  • Sperm DNA Fragmentation testing and treatment (antioxidant therapy)
  • Surgical Sperm Retrieval: PESA/TESA/MicroTESE
  • Thrombophilia (sticky blood) testing and/or treatment for inherited and acquired conditions, including MTHFR mutations
  • Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) and Genetic Carrier screening of parents, in collaboration with Igenomix, one of the leading genetic labs in the world.
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