Infertility can be a challenging journey for couples longing to conceive. Fortunately, advancements in assisted reproductive technology (ART) have made it possible for many to achieve their dream of parenthood.
The field of in vitro fertilization (IVF) has come a long way since its inception, thanks to the integration of advanced technologies. These innovations have significantly improved success rates, minimized risks, and made IVF a viable option for more individuals and couples facing fertility challenges.
Female infertility is a multifaceted challenge that affects millions of women worldwide. Among the many contributing factors, hormonal imbalances are one of the most common and complex.
During a woman’s reproductive years, begin tumors called uterine fibroids can cause a variety of symptoms and complications.
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Cervical cancer, though preventable, remains a significant health concern for women worldwide.
For many women, menstruation is as regular as the changing phases of the moon, a reliable monthly rhythm guiding our lives.
Experiencing a miscarriage can be a deeply emotional and challenging event for anyone hoping to start or expand their family.
In the realm of reproductive health, few challenges are as daunting as sperm abnormalities for those striving to start or expand their families.
Delayed menstruation, or irregular periods, can be a cause of concern for many women.
Before one understands the science of andrology, it is beneficial to know the origin of this term. This helps in better understanding of what and why behind andrology. Andrology is derived from a Latin word Andreus that translates to ‘man’ and the suffix ‘ology’ meaning science…
Dr Partha Das is a reproductive endocrinoloigist and Infertility & IVF specialist working at Orchid Fertility Clinic, DHCC.
The day of Egg retrieval is an important and exciting one in the IVF journey. It is the day that all the mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries to prepare them to be fertilized with sperm.
At the first fertility consultation, your doctor will administer a range of standard fertility tests, evaluating sperm count and egg reserves to scanning the female reproductive tract and checking hormone levels.
Here are some of the reasons why women could find it challenging to fall pregnant naturally after the age of 35.
While there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fertility treatments, there are some things that EVERY couple must do when trying to conceive.
Why should I do a Fertility Assessment? Here are 5 reasons.
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