The Two Week Wait - Orchid Fertility
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The Two Week Wait

The Two Week Wait

The Two Week Wait: How to get through this period?

At Orchid, we always tell our patients that no fertility treatment is guaranteed and advise them to set realistic expectations. The two week wait is not an easy time to get through, however, by following the tips below you could keep your pregnancy chances as high as possible:

  • Take is easy for a few days. Avoid heavy lifting and rigorous exercise, saunas and hot baths and rest as much as you can. It is important to avoid stress and anxiety during this period.
  • Eat well and healthy, the two week wait can be an anxious and emotional time but don’t let your nerves get the better of you. Aim to eat a balanced, healthy diet with even mix of vegetables, fruit, pulses, carbs and proteins.
  • Remember to take your medication. Set reminders on your phone or create and place a dosage chart in a highly visible area and tick each dose off after you take it.
  • Resist the temptation to test early or expect pregnancy symptoms. Testing early is pointless. It is best to wait for 14 days after your transfer (or 12 days if it was a day-3 transfer or 10 days post a day-5 transfer).
  • Avoid intercourse during this period as infections can happen and your uterus can do without any disturbance during this time.
  • Any cramping or twinges felt during this time is normal. Most uterine movements in the two week wait are nothing to worry about and could potentially indicate that a baby is being made! If you experience intense cramping, with or without bleeding, call your doctor.

If you have any more questions about the two week wait or have any concerns, please contact our team on 04 4377520.

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